CE Tracking Done Right
The easiest way to track and
report continuing education.
Attendance &
CE Tracking
The easiest way to track and report attendee continuing education.
Course Level
Increase survey participation and instantly share results.
Digital Conference
Bring the power of your event to every attendee.
ConferenceAdit has transformed how Continuing Education tracking and reporting is managed today.
We save you time, money and frustration while delivering a great attendee experience.
ConferenceAdit can revolutionize the Continuing Education tracking process for any profession.
Managing Continuing Education tracking for your live event can be challenging. How much time does your organization waste by manually tracking continuing education? You can now dramatically streamline attendance tracking, create customized designation reports, generate instant certificates and immediately capture survey responses.
Capturing Information
Save time and avoid errors. We have streamlined how information is gathered by capturing data right from your registration files with easy updating. Attendees can even update their own details
Attendance and Tracking
Offer a better event experience. Attendees simply use their mobile devices to record attendance and take surveys. We provide a variety of controls to help you proctor your event and ensure that CE requirements are met. Meanwhile, you have full visibility to all attendee activity.
Reporting & Certificates
Dramatically accelerate reporting. All reports including CE activity, attendance compliance and survey results are available on demand. Certificates are instantly available for distribution.

Some of the organizations we’ve served
Our platform is perfect for associations, professional designation boards, companies, academia, or anyone who offers continuing education.